Answered on: March 31, 2019


I am interested in the Mercedes A class, provided by Europcar. Wondering if the car can be picked up from a different branch?


Sorry, it seems Europcar is the only supplier that has that model available you have to pick up it there.


The location where the car is located currently is a little too far from my accommodation.


Assuming your are not using a mobile device, you can use the filter “SORT BY DISTANCE". On the search results page where you see the various car photos displayed, at the top right hand corner, use the drop down menu to change the filter from SORT BY PRICE to SORT BY DISTANCE


The results are then shuffle into order of closest supplier to your chosen location, and a small map shows you, where. Europcar is less then 1km


My location is:- Casas da Baixa, Rua da Padaria 9, 1100-585 Lisboa, Portugal


and Europcar are at R. Rodrigues Sampaio 172, 1150-282 Lisboa, Portugal. Thank you